This year the Tianguis Turistico 2018 took place in the city of Mazatlan from April 15 to 17, this is the most important event of the tourism sector in our country, where you can find entrepreneurs, hoteliers, travel agents, incoming operators, tour operators, meeting planners and specialized media of the tourism industry from over 80 countries in the world.

During this event, the Tourism Cluster of Nuevo Leon AC, participated in several activities and spaces that allowed presenting the clusterization model of the Tourism Industry of Nuevo Leon as a dynamic organism of competitiveness and innovation of a destination, as well as exposing the collaboration model "triple helix" and its benefits in good practice.

One of these activities, in which the Cluster participated, was the 'Third Intelligent Tourism Mission' of the ELAN Network program, developed on April 16 and 17 in the framework of the Mazatlán Tianguis Turístico. By invitation of Pro Mexico, participated in the Seminar "Technology in Intelligent Tourism" and the "B2B" with experts in the field of technological development in intelligent tourist destinations with the aim of aligning needs and opportunities to benefit each other.

Another participation was with a conference: "Tourism Cluster: The Model for Innovation Management and Competitiveness of the Tourism Industry", given by Mauricio Magdaleno, director of the Cluster, where he shared with other states and tourism agencies, the triple helix model as the path for the long-term promotion of projects and strategies for the tourism industry in Mexico.

In addition, by invitation of Lic. Miguel Angel Cantu, Undersecretary of Tourism of Nuevo Leon, and together with the Director of the OCV of Monterrey, Engineer David Manllo, we participated in this lunch presentation of Nuevo Leon Extraordinary destination to more than 180 specialized media. We presented the management and collaboration model of the Tourism Cluster of Nuevo Leon, as well as the achievements made.

Closing its participation within the framework of the Tianguis Turistico, the LUZTOPIA project, the largest festival of lights in Mexico, was awarded a recognition to the Diversification of the Tourism Product in the category of Development of Tourism Activities in Public Spaces delivered by the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Promotion Council of Mexico and received by Mauricio Magdaleno, Director and Alejandra Patiño, Project Manager of the Tourism Cluster of Nuevo Leon AC.

Fue una oportunidad para posicionar a Nuevo León como destino de primer nivel y un caso de éxito del trabajo en colaboración realizado en el Clúster de Turismo.